memory. language, art. wittgenstein. books. ceramics.
all sorts of thinkings on memory, language, art, wittgenstein, books, etc, while I am getting on with my MA
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Compulsive hoarding and letting my artwork go.
I do not let things go easily. I am a hoarder. Our loft and basement are full to the brim. I am running out of space in my studio room too. I remember reading somewhere an interview with Cornelia Parker. She said she started going suspended sculpture, because that was the only clear space in her house. She is hoarder as well. Susan Hiller is a hoarder too. Not a bad company - see!
Anyway - I do not let things go easily - and that includes my work*. Therefore, it was highly therapeutic for me to spend the private view talking to all those people of very very different arts/non-arts backgrounds, who were interested in my work. It almost felt that the work did not belong to me anymore. It had a life of it's own. And - wow - it was fascinating to watch that life! Many were intrigued/mortified by the fact that I burn books; but they were simultaneously drawn by the beauty of the result. Some were curious about the history and the background of my work. Some were asking about the techniques. Some were taken by the fragility. Many asked about the title. Some thought it was good example of how open-minded book arts are. Some asked about my course, assuming I was a good representation of it (I am not).
I have a few more of those 1968 pieces. Some are damaged, some went wrong. Why do I keep them?
Here is an article about Song Dong installation and compulsive hoarding.
*Not the certain work from about a year ago, that I passionately want to burn (and keep the ashes of course!)