memory. language, art. wittgenstein. books. ceramics.

all sorts of thinkings on memory, language, art, wittgenstein, books, etc, while I am getting on with my MA

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The new blog continues at

Thursday, 1 September 2011

The last bit

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Two parts

My work consists of two parts: the one presented here plus all that I have not written. And it is precisely this second part that is the important one. (Letter to Ludwig Ficker of circa September-October 1919, tr. McGuinness and Furtmüller)

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Things change, you know: all set up.

Egidija Ciricaite, Chris Gibson, Wiebke Kowal, Jukhee Kwon, Laura S Turull, Natalie Yiaxi 

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Arts Cafe
pelican house
92 peckham road se15 5py
open mon to saturday 11.00 to 23.00
sunday 11.00 to 22.00
0207 701 1253
Egidija CiricaiteEgidija_ciricaite.html
Natalie Yiaxinatalie_yiaxi.html
Juk Hee Kwonjuk_hee.html
Laura Soler TurullLaura_Soler_Turull.html
Wiebke Kowalwiebke.html
MA Book Arts - Camberwell College of Art
Chris GibsonChris_Gibson.html
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Things change, you know


All set up now!